- Mar 8, 2020The Mandate To Proclaim The New Birth [Acts 5: 17-21]
- Mar 1, 2020Signs And Wonders Abound [Acts 5: 12-16]
- Feb 23, 2020Sin Crouches At The Church’s Door [Acts 5: 1-11]
- Feb 16, 2020The Exemplary Church [Acts 4: 32-37]
- Feb 9, 2020Have You Kissed the Son [Psalm 2]
- Feb 2, 2020The Power and Purpose of Prayer [Acts 4: 23-31]
- Jan 26, 2020Being Conformed to Christ’s Image [1 Peter 5:10]
- Jan 19, 2020Being Right In God’s Sight [Acts 4: 13-22]
- Jan 12, 2020Hope In Christ [Ephesians 1: 11-14]
- Jan 5, 2020The Call To Preach The Gospel [Acts 4: 1-12]