NEWS & EVENTS For other news and updates, follow us on FACEBOOK.
Searching for a sermon?  Go to the Media section of the website to hear a previous sermon presented at our Sunday worship service.
Men’s Prayer Breakfast • Men are invited to join together for fellowship and prayer on Friday, January 3, at 7:00 am at Goodwil’s Restaurant in Montandon.

Sunday, January 5

We will have a Sunday school period starting at 9:30 am, with a combined class for children, youth, and adults.  We will conduct an in-person worship service starting at 10:45 am.  There is not a livestream of the service.  However, an audio recording of the sermon will be posted on the website after the service. 

Sunday, January 12

We will have a Sunday school period starting at 9:30 am, with a return to separate classes for children, youth, and adults.  We will conduct an in-person worship service starting at 10:45 am.  There is not a livestream of the service.  However, an audio recording of the sermon will be posted on the website after the service. 

Prayer Meeting – January 15 
We will hold an in-person prayer meeting at the church, with the meeting starting at 7:00 pm.
Men’s Prayer Breakfast • Men are invited to join together for fellowship and prayer on Friday, January 17, at 7:00 am at Goodwil’s Restaurant in Montandon.

Sunday, January 19

We will have a Sunday school period starting at 9:30 am, with separate classes for children, youth, and adults.  We will conduct an in-person worship service starting at 10:45 am.  There is not a livestream of the service.  However, an audio recording of the sermon will be posted on the website after the service. 

Sunday, January 26

We will have a Sunday school period starting at 9:30 am, with separate classes for children, youth, and adults.  We will conduct an in-person worship service starting at 10:45 am.  There is not a livestream of the service.  However, an audio recording of the sermon will be posted on the website after the service. 

Prayer Meeting – January 29 
We will hold an in-person prayer meeting at the church, with the meeting starting at 7:00 pm.

Reformed Baptist Church | 830 Buffalo Road, Lewisburg, PA 17837 | | 570-524-7488